Fortune Favours the bold

From The Desk of The Executive Chairman
Dato’ Dr Noorul Ameen Mohamed Ishack

It’s been more than a quarter of a century since I sat down by the beach in Penang and decided to pursue this nagging idea of changing the way primary care is handled in this country. I will admit it was not an easy decision and I talked with many friends and colleagues. Most of them erred on the side of caution and told me not to do it; why give up a successful career, why put everything on the line?

It was a burning desire to do things differently that ultimately brought me to the creation of Qualitas Health. I knew that if I didn’t do it, I would wonder ‘what if’ for the rest of my life. Today, as we start our 25th year celebrations, I am immensely happy that I fought and put everything on the line to create this Company, which has changed the way we look at primary care.

Today Qualitas Health is in three countries – Australia, Malaysia & Singapore and we will be opening in a matter of weeks in Bangladesh. Through our 25-year journey, we have acquired and set-up businesses in New Zealand, India, Cambodia and Indonesia and we have listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange – milestones that have taught us so much and have grown the business into what it is today.

The people who have played a part in the Qualitas journey are the reason we are still standing today, not just surviving, but thriving. We are grateful to those who have made Qualitas their passion, their company, as much as it is mine. Your commitment and loyalty have been tremendous and I hope in return Qualitas has been all that you’ve wanted it to be.

Today we kick-off the start of our 25th Anniversary celebrations. There will be a host of activities, including a lookback on our journey thus far. Regardless of which city you’re in, we hope that the power of digital technology will bring the celebrations to you.

I leave you with this thought – Burning desires can turn into industry-disrupting legacies; all it takes is being courageous enough to say yes.

I wish each and every one of you a courageous YES.

Noorul Ameen

A Walk Down Memory Lane

A photo gallery that tells the story of the Qualitas Health journey from Day 1. These three photos represent the first few signings by Malaysian clinics as they join the Group. Come back every fortnight to see more photos from the 25 years!

Qualitas Health began with the vision for a better standard of ‘Quality and Service’ in the primary care profession. It encapsulated a pursuit of integrity that has captured the hearts and minds of healthcare professionals and signalled the arrival of the company ‘Qualitas Health’. With more than a 25-year track record in primary healthcare, Qualitas Health has positioned itself strategically in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia, and soon to be Bangladesh, with experienced teams of doctors, managers and healthcare staff. Its comprehensive primary healthcare services offer a regional platform for improved healthcare for all.

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